Thursday, April 28, 2005


Editor's note: dog-o-scopes are based on rather limited knowledge of dogs, primarily gleaned from Disney movies. Please do not write in to tell us that dogs do not actually eat pasta.

Aries: This is a very daschound time for you. Chin up! Even though you feel like you're constantly in people's way, remember, you always make them laugh.
Taurus: Let your emotional pitbull out for a little activity. Just remind him not to eat the entire contents of the medicine cabinet.
Gemini: Your future is a little spotty, dalmatian. Avoid crazy drivers and ladies in fur coats.
Cancer: Remember, sometimes your future is not what it appears on the surface. You're having a mutt of a month.
Leo: Are you suddenly craving licorice? Taking all your little plaid jackets out of the closet? Sounding like a sqeaky toy that everyone ignores? Don't worry, your scottie dog phase will soon pass, leaving behind the true blue you -- a labrador.
Virgo: My dear golden retriever, you are beautiful, smart and everyone loves you. Be careful though - others may begin to resent you. Try chasing your own tail to throw people off.
Libra: Your chow chow nature is making you a little frenetic. Slow down and savor life, before you accidentally eat a baby with your burrito.
Scorpio: Your poodle nature is dominant this month. Embrace your inner pageant contestant, and don't forget the bows!
Sagittarius: You're totally freewheeling, in an indescribable way. The yolk's on you! You're Goofy!
Capricorn: Work hard this month, little greyhound. We don't want you to get shot with a gun.
Aquarius: In the doghouse? Try getting on top of it! Befriend a bird, put on some shades, and feel the beagle spirit take over.
Pisces: With st. bernard and boxer in alignment, you have only one concern this month. Watch out for drool.

Friday, April 15, 2005

A Paid Message from our Sponsors

Steven thinks none of you check his site anymore. He's probably right, since HE HASN'T UPDATED SINCE MARCH 4TH! Maybe he needs to get some blogging buddies, to keep the action moving. Or maybe he should just talk about learning perl.

Anyway, he redesigned it. So go check it out. That's for anyone who can't find the link.

Monday, April 11, 2005

Like a Bat Mitzvah but better!

Okay, so we don't blog enough, we're busy people. I'm off driving illegally. Mary's doing the same thing and getting arrested for it; and Helen's trying to become a band roadie. It's a hard life we live. But we've thought of something to make up for our 10-day blogging drought...


Here's the rules:
1. Make a sixteen song mix, in which every song mentions the word 'sixteen.'
2. Post it on the Blog.
3. We'll pick the best one and give you and surprise treat.

Oh this isn't totally random, I'm turning the big 1-6. The contest ends April 17th, so rock out with your cock out, and put it on a mix.

Friday, April 01, 2005

Hooray for Lemonade!

Emmett's brand new web comic is up! All you folks who always wanted to win something out of those crane games will want to be getting over to read it STAT!

As the provider of his new fan list, all I have to say is, I better be getting one of those sweet button sets in the mail.