Thursday, October 16, 2003

Today is the day that Windows users learn the meaning of "insanely great". That's right, folks, iTunes for Windows. Download now at . Reviews from actual Windows users forthcoming!

Best new feature for those of us who have long loved iTunes: Celebrity Playlists
I'm waiting for them to extend the concept to everyone (so I can share my dream playlists with you, dear readers), but for now, I will content myself with Ben Folds' picks.

Regarding my rumored secret boyfriend: He keeps me from my cell phone. He has me log in at computers that do not have Word installed. He takes me places that are neither my apartment nor my office. Hmmm, who does that add up to? Oh, right! My SECRET boyfriend! Because surely an unsecret boyfriend would not do any of those things. Mary's unrequited love for Howard Dean is making her a little loopy.