Remember when I set the whole world on fire with my eyes? That was now.
School is a waste of time. Whoever told me that senior year is easy/fun is a big ol' liar. So I don't like you, liar. So far I've done one out of my eight college applications, and keep telling myself I still have a month to do them. Plus, I have a stupid research paper on the holocaust, and I desperately want my last line to be "So, the final solution was to drop out of school." I'm pretty sure my academic career could be ruined by the nazis considering the tests, quizzes, and papers I've done on them so it makes sense.
Right so that's my rant.
Onto cool things I dig: footy pajamas. It's too bad you all can't purchase them for yourself, but I spotted them while shopping in Target. At first I said, what kid this big would wear footy pajamas, and then I thought who else but me! It seems as though they're unavailable now, but you shuld bask at their greatness, and think to your self, man I wish my pajama pants had feet on them.