There are three things I love in life:
1. Puppies
2. Boxes of love
3. Snow days
Snow days, much like exchange, free up my life. In case you were wondering, I had an early dismissal on thursday and monday and a snow day yesterday. Snow days give me time to do all sorts of fun things, such as:
Name my iPod. Last thursday, 2/24/05 Franklin died, RIP. He and his hard drive just weren't meant to be. I took him to have a good looking at. Steven checked him out, and told me there was no hope. I didn't take it well. Franklin was a good iPod, let's all take a moment to reflect on the good times we had together...okay so the rest of you didn't share many memories with Franklin, but I was pretty sure he was my soulmate, with his great music taste, and beefy 40 gigs. So Helen went to the apple store and replaced Franklin with Marty, the chubby iPod. Despite the fact that Marty is 40 gigs he seems to be bigger than all other 40 gig iPods because he can't quite squeeze into my dock. Oh well, Marty's a cool name, and chubby things rock, like me as a baby.
Start books. The secret life of bees - not that good. I tried, I really did. I felt an obligation to read it because my mom gave it to me for Christmas, but it was totally not funny not even close. I mean I got over my whole "I only read funny books" phase, but this was just boring and cheesy. So I moved on to another book I've been wanting to read, Breakfast of Champions. Kurt Vonnegurt, where do you come up with these things? I don't know. Is he dead?
Today, while walking home from Harriton I decided I'm going to invest in rain boots. Yeah, check out that link. I know, $40 for rain boots is a little steep. I'll probably just end up buying some at DSW or purchasing some with my christmas card. I think I dig the "tidal blue" although the dog print is very tempting. Okay so I could wear my rain boots when there's snow on the ground (definitely more waterproof than my sneaks) and I could wear them during the summer when I'm walking around town in the rain. That's never fun. Oh, I was walking in snow, that's what inspired me.