Life is boring. I'll be honest with you, I don't blog about knitting or reading because you don't like to read about that, plus I don't have time to read or knit. But I do have time to watch Gilmore Girls, and currently I'm mad. They make us wait 4 seasons for Luke and Lorelai to get together, and they've already broken up. Cool, Luke get your act together. Maybe Lorelai can build him an ice skating rink and they'll love each other again. Also, I hope I'm never refered to as Rory again because she's a whore. I'm sorry Lorelai and Christopher, we'll have to call me something else or High School Rory or HSory for short.
I think the Amish in Reading Terminal are making doughnuts this weekend. Or maybe it was last weekend. You should check that out. In case you didn't know amish is code for tasty which is code for eat me. These doughnuts are better than Krispy Kremes any day of the week and everyone should make it a goal in their life to taste one of these doughnuts. Wow, if that was last weekend I might have to cry.
I took a swim test today for crew. Although I'm aquatically-challenged I still passed, but I wondered if they would really kick me off the crew if I failed. Then again if I failed, I would drown and most likely be afraid of large bodies of water for quite some time. Good thing that hasn't happened.
So Valentine's Day = rocking. Good things on Valentine's day: cake, homemade pop-up card, surprise flowers/candy, cookies, no homework, candy hearts, book by TAL lady, real pop-up card, yeah pretty good for a rainy Monday. I've strategically placed my candy hearts next to the computer and my chocolate on my desk. Ah yes, all candy, all the time. Worst part is the candy hearts are Necco. Although they are tarts, which makes them a little better. Do you chew or suck on your candy hearts? Well I suck on mine, and I had so many yesterday that my tounge actually hurt. Now that's skill.
While searching for a link I found out this weekend is the American Roots Festival. Well if I wanted vegetables I was in luck, but I don't and now I will have to cry. Hope you enjoy that, and not doughnuts!