Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Everything's crazy in the world.

Because we may be looking at 4 more years of W. Lots of election coverage in India, both of the presidential race, and some House seat in Lousiana that an Indian is running for. Tomorrow's front page headline will be

Presidential race still undecided.

No tigers have been spotted as of yet, but we snagged an invite to a wedding reception, where the groom's cousins seemed to be assigned to flutter after us and stuff us with food. In fact, a great many people seem to have been assigned to stuff us with food. Sid's stepdad Nirmal is the new pressure pusher in town, having pressured Anne right out of her position. He tries to feed us AT LEAST once every 2 hours.

In other news, Jane, does the removal of your book from the link list mean you have given up on your writing career? Also, can someone please check that my boyfriend survived Election Night? Preggie ladies beware... your acupuncturist may be suffering the side effects of election night dispair.