I ran for the condo board. Do not ask me why I did it. It seemed like a good idea at the time. But you would seriously think that this was a high school student council election. Luckily for me, I ran high school student council elections, and they haven't changed much. (Mary offered to lock this up for me for the low, low price of $100, but I'd have to canvass the building. Fieldwork is for suckers, Mary!) My new goal: be the puppetmaster.
Long story short, people. Now I need a web bulletin board program. I know there are many, I want your recs for a good one. If you've used it and liked it, let me know. If you've administrated it and liked it, even better. Tell me, and when I get my free parking space, I promise I will let you use it at least once or twice.
P.S. Mary pointed out this evening that blogiversary came and went, and no one even noticed! Of course, did she get me anything? No. Yes, in the last year + 3 weeks, this blog has received a whopping 154 posts, or as a certain polymathe might point out, a post every 2.55 days.