You have probably asked me (or been asked by me) at some point over the years, "what's your favorite season?" I'm here to tell you first, before you hear it from someone else, that I LIED. Because I probably told you fall was my favorite season. And that just ain't true, at least anymore. Nowadays, in my book, fall has a new name. I call it.....
Pre-winter. Yes, that's what it is! The time when you start thinking about how many long months it will be until you can ride the wild surf again. The days when you look out on the grey gloom, and think, gee, only another 5 months of this. It's when the sniffles start, and the chills never go away. And then pre-winter becomes real winter, and that's even worse.
There's only one good thing about fall, and I think you all know what it is. The king of numbers, the lord of desserts. That's right, it's pie.
P.S. Netflix has gone from bad to worse. Today's top pick? A Cinderella Story.