20 days into school, and I've already had the worst day ever. That's right I managed to have soemthing due in every class I take. Here was my schedule for the day: Pre-Calc quiz, hand in English paper, take Physics quiz, Spanish Test, Lunch where I ate in 10 minutes and studied for the other 30, History Test, Religion Quiz. Don't you wish you were living my life? I was awfully frazzled from staying up studying and taking 101 things all day. I got a chocolate in homeroom for wearing my nametag, and somehow managed to crush in my pocket. Hey! Guess what I keep in my pocket? Franklin aka my ipod. Luckily my spidey senses told me something was wrong, and the chocolate didn't get quite everywhere. And now my kilt smells like chocolate. Delightful. I'm sure I'll draw everyone towards me with my chocolateyness.
So after my worst day ever, I came home watched some freaks and geeks and took a nap. Naps, I can't get enough of them. I also found out I don't have so much homework, so that's not bad. Yeah, so I just thought you all might want to be enlightened by my crazzapy monday.
Picked my official team: Cincinnati Bengals. That's right bengals, they're tigers! You're jealous.