Unit 1 is leading an expedition to India to see the maybe future thief of her maybe future grandchild (it may be imaginary, but it's never too early to start preparing. Annie, maybe today would be a good day to write your will!)
So, I had to go get passport pictures for my visa. And, as is a perfectly reasonable question when you are getting passport pictures, the man at the camera shop asked where I was going. When I said India, he said "why would you want to go there?" When I didn't say anything, one of his (younger) co-workers jumped in with, "Wow. I bet you're excited!"
Now, I grant you, going someplace that requires you to get 6 needles stuck in your arm (and I am not talking acupuncture needles here, people -- my arm hurt for days!) is not exactly the same as a trip to the mall, but he seriously gave me a look like I had said, "I don't really trust the news, so I thought I'd head over to Iraq and check it out firsthand." As Mr. young coworker said, "some people think there isn't anything out there once you cross the border of the US." Here be dragons, folks.
In other news... Kitten is now Mrs. Kitten. Or maybe Paul is actually Mr. Kitten. I'm not quite sure how this works out. Check out the link to see our Pretty Pretty Princess tie the knot.