This has been possibly the busiest weekend ever. Except I didn't get much accomplished.
Friday night was prom. I found a date the week before, a dress the day before, and a ride the day of. Besides that, prom was rockin'. Oh and the tons and tons of pictures we took. That was not so cool. We were in this huge, and when I say huge I mean gianormous, limo. It fit 20 people, so it was like the size of a school bus. It was quite a skeptical, two of the neighbors came to check out the scene. It had TVs, coolers, a stereo system, changing lights...It was big pimpin' (but that phrase didn't just come out of my mouth so keep it on the dl) Prom was at the Crystal Tea room, which was pretty swank. The food was kind of gross, but my date seemed to like the meatloaf, I mean steak. Dessert was non-existent, except for the little plate of stuff they brought for the table. I ate this big cream puff in one bite...reigning champ! They played too much rap, but it was still a lot of fun.
Saturday I woke up bright and early to make it to 8:30 practice. Then I went out for pizza with my friends. Then the units and I jetted off to Sara's race, which she dominated in. Then I came home, sat around for awhile until everyone showed up. We went out for Indian food, which isn't comparable to Vinnie T's but whatever floats people's boats. Sara saved my birthday by making me a cake and buying me presents, all of which were very nice/ tasty. I was tired so I went to bed.
Today, I got to sleep which was a good deal. I went to Sara's race, and then to mine. I dfled (dead fing last for non-rowers), and Sara came in third. So now my weekend doesn't seem so busy, but it felt like it was.