Every year, the film festival gets started with such high hopes. Every year, there are disappointments. Usually, those disappointments are movies that suck. This year, it was the schedule.
First, I am too busy. I don't know why I even bought that 10 pass of tickets. I didn't see any movies for the entire first week, and I still wouldn't actually have finished the pack if not for the assistance of Meng and Steven. Jane, I feel your pain.
Second, an offshoot of the first, the movies I want to see keep selling out! The Corporation? It's a 2 and a half hour documentary, folks! Don't you have some french horror movie to see instead? Otaku Unite? There were so many good movies on Saturday! Why did you all have to see the one I wanted to see?
But, I did get to see 3 movies so far, with Singles tonight and You Can't Stop the Murders on Wednesday. Maybe I will even get away to see Please Teach Me English tomorrow, if everything else goes smoothly. Making it to campus at 5pm. Yes, that will be a breeze.
Speaking of campus, when did smocking become an acceptable dress option for anyone over the age of 6? I definitely saw a girl at Penn this weekend wearing a floral print dress with a 6 inch band of smocking across the top.