Monday, December 19, 2005

What 5 college apps will do to a girl

Jane is on hiatus until she finishes her remaining 3 applications, but to tide you over until she returns, some tidbits from The Unnamed Wellness Center's new Therapudic Ventologist (names changed to protect the innocent):

our parents hate me!
scene: kitchen where dinner has obviously been made, i enter the dining room, my lonely spot is barren "did you happen to make any food for your dear daughter" uhh no sorry
not even a lame excuse like well when we saw you eating pringles we thought it was your dinner
just a no!

dear som and had: i'm really stressed out the least you can do is make me a few squares of ravioli, it's not like we eat dinner in the first place

dear crown, despite the fact that my parents have agreed to pay full tuition for college, i want to tell you do not fall into their trap. they do not love me. here's why:
sunday, they went to a christmas party and got home at 9:30 and ate dinner then
lucky i had a pot pie or else i wouldn't have had a left arm today
also, why are you single handedly ruining my life! don't try to put the blame on those other nonexistent people, cause it's their fault, but way more yours. you should feel ashamed!


that's right my signature deserves an exclamation point
i'm trying to express my feelings