Friday, May 27, 2005

Who is this cheesy?

If you are a cheesy person yourself, you can stop reading now.

I have been trying to avoid blogging about the wedding, because it is not really interesting to anyone. But I was trying to find cheap candles today, when I found this "poem" instead. In case anyone was trying to come up with the sappiest shower present ever, I have now topped personalized garden stones (your name + his name + his last name = BARF!)

A Basket of Candles
For Bitsy

A basket of candles That come in a pair
In all different colors, For you two to share
The white ones burn first
They are wrapped in white lace
To celebrate your first married night
In your new chosen place
The green pair is taller, and also much thinner
Burn with the first company, you have over for dinner
The dark blue candles are for after your first fight
Use them to burn while making up all night
Pink candles set the mood and pave the way
For your first married Valentine’s Day
Now, when your first year of marriage is through
The cream anniversary pair, will light for you two.
Red candles aflame, both your futures are bright.
Celebrate promotions you’ve worked toward with all of your might.
By this time we hope, maybe, just maybe
You can light the purple ones, on the birth of your baby,
And just when you thought, you’d put these away
Take the light blue ones out-for your fifth anniversary day.
Now just one more pair left-for the big 2 5
The anniversary pair that will keep your love alive
Congratulations bride and groom (enter names)
On the start of your forever
May the two of you always be happy together
And burn these candles
Just the way we said
But please don’t forget-blow them out before bed!

The cherry on top, though. "I got this poem and basket full of candles at my shower a few weeks ago. It was one of the sweetest gifts I received. I just found the poem online and I thought I'd share it with you for future gifts! I hope you enjoy it b/c it definitely touched me!"

Someone please go register I could totally make a mint off this concept.

A box full of Candy
for someone who's dandy

When someone's as sweet as you and your love
What could be better than Reese's and Dove?
Don't forget Snickers, 'cause that's what we'll do
When you open this package and start to boo-hoo!

See? I'm a natural!