As an angsty teenager who only worries about school, crew and college, I feel I have the authority on improving your quality of life. I'm happy all the time (see link) even when I'm rowing at 9 am on a windy Sunday, just after it rained, in New Jersey. What? Bitter? Never.
Eat a popsicle, or ice cream or ice cream novelty of your choice. If anything tastes like summer it's definitely popsicles. Don't believe that air at the shore crap, eating a popsicle is like putting three months of glory in your mouth. If you don't like ice cream novelties, I don't like you. Maybe you should go home and contemplate if you deserve to have your quality of life improved.
Write large and prove to the world you're mentally healthy! Did you know that writing small is sign of mental illness? I did, that's obviously why I write so small. See Dr. Helen Horstmann for more information on this topic.
Buy a puppy! Alternatively, buy me a puppy! Preferably a small one because big dogs are scary.
Coming soon: pictures of me wearing bibs, being, fed, being held, leaving the competition in the dust, etc.