and it's weirding me out. Things I've done recently that show signs of non-childhood:
1. Register for the SAT's. Why are the closest test-taking locations in Jersey? Unknown.
2. Plan college visits. 4 day weekend without crew = college-a-palooza
3. Tell someone that, "it will look good on my transcript."
4. The death of Dream Chick Jane aka the ultimate screenname. The screen name is gone, but the nickname will never die.
Countdown to Mardi Gras: 6 days
Next time it will snow: never, or not in the next 10 days.
Random Notes: Bright Eyes, digging that. Mr. Bright Eyes (sounds kind of like Blue Sky, eh?) played at The Vote for Change Tour, but I wasn't listening. Now he's giving away his song against W. for free on iTunes. Yes, yes keep on rocking. No, no don't stop rocking. Gilmore Girls is back, and not sucking like it was in the fall. Good work Gilmore Girls, you deserve a treat. SAT prep starts again this Saturday. SATs, why do you haunt my whole life? Kings of Leon are going on tour with u2. Awesome. The Strokes knew how good they were then they told me and now my subliminal messgaes to the Edge have been well received. I'd say that's it. I go to school, crew, shower, homework and sleep. I live an extremely exciting life.