Exams are over and I'm in New Orleans, because I rule and you drool. Unless you live in New Orleans, then you should come to Philadelphia and rule, not drool. So yes, exams, seemed easier this year. Perhaps because I studied harder, but I like to block out bad memories, so I don't remember how much I studied last year. So yes, I'm at school, living the life, on the computer while watching Sarah take a quiz. Yes, learning is for suckers. My slackee sisters obviously didn't blog while I was busy studying and taking tests. So I bring you: the best thing I could come up with after midterms, aka Jane doesn't like to think too hard.
Things I like about flying:
1. When you first take-off/start to land, the time before clouds
2. The light that reflects of the wing of the plane, preferably when it gets in the yes of someone else not yours
3. When you have a row to yourself
4. Finishing a book on the plane, although I like finishing books in general
Things I don't like about flying:
1. Turbulence
2. The obscenely dry air that makes you want water
Okay so that list was a much better idea in my head. I should post this on shabby's blog, that would be so tricky, but we're lacking posts and no one would see this masterpiece. I don't really have anything else to do, nor do I speak/understand French so I'll give you a play by play of my week.
Monday: History exam - very hard, not my friend. Magellan and John Bryant weren't on there, the two things I knew. Religion exam - easy, delghtful little treat after history. Crew, short, but still not fun. Went home, sat around for awhile, studied when the mood striked
Tuesday: English exam, lots of writing, but not impossible. Hung out at Cosi with Missy because we go to Sacred Heart. Because all Sacred Heart girls had to go to cosi on tuesday, must have been some unwritten rule. Then we studied insane amounts, I was all spanish all the time except for when I was smelling myself, singing "ursha, jon and luda had to do it again" or picking music. Then we had Margaret Kuo's, and then I "blockus"ed everyone. That's right Jane won a puzzle/smart game.
Wednesday: Physics exam - good, only three I didn't know, well hopefully only three. Spanish exam - not too bad, considering I studied my butt off for it. Crew, yeah very very tired, not in the "calistenics" kind of mood. Went home, showered, WATCHED THE NEIGHBOR'S HOUSE BE ON FIRE! then I watched the firemen put it out, and the man run out of the house without pants on. I'm stil trying to figure our what started the fire. Kind of sad, cause they just moved in but still exciting. Then I watched Gilmore Girls, and eventually studied for pre-calc. Oh and I packed for New Orleans and got all riled up.
Thursday: Took my pre-calc exam, not as fatal as I thought it would be, but still hard. Then ate Peace, showered, and headed off to the airport. Now that I'm the big 1-5 I'm not an unattended minor, which made my trip much more delightful. I finished Fraud, and we had turbulence. Overall, a B+ flight. Then we had Chillis for dinner, some fine New Orleans dining.
Friday: woke up at 7 o'clock, but really 8 o'clock my time. Then I had muffins and went to school. Now I'm at school, in french class, on Sarah's computer, causing a ruckuss while my Mom calls Sara's cell phone, not knowing it's me. "So, In conclusion, Jane Horstmann, age 15, signs off from another fascinating day of being Jane." Pictures to come when I get back. I don't feel like prrofreading this, so deal.