To School: Jane, instead of bumming around and amusing us with her witticisms, is actually going to school. And doing science experiments on raisins?!?! And here I thought she was in high school. She did make me a muffin the other day, though.
To Work: You'd think, with the 20 minutes a day I'm now saving on my commute, I would have 20 minutes to post blog entries. And I suppose you would be right, if anything even vaguely amusing ever happened to me. Instead, what have I been doing?
Dress Shopping: Only funny if you are there to witness either the amusing outfits I concoct with only the raw materials provided to me by the store, or you are looking at price tags.
Setting up a new office: While a certain barnyard animal and her aquatic friend were able to amuse themselves while painting, painting, unpacking boxes, and dragging furniture around the room are inherently dull activities.
Avoiding Mary: Why? Because every phone call starts with, "I have a favor to ask you....." Granted, her last favor was, "I want you to be on television." Although I was not able to participate, viewers in Alyson Schwartz's district will soon be able to see the illustrious Mike Sweeney as "Medical Technician #1". Mary is invited to post her rebuttal, if she has one.