So final results Total Winners:
1st Caroline
2nd Dieter
3rd Anne
Bake-off Winners:
1st Anne
2nd Jess
3rd Jenn and Paul
So fun was had by all and it didn't rain. Some football, four square and taboo followed the field day events, and yeah it was a good time. If you missed it you're a sucker cause you missed out.
So now I'll continue to tell you about my music week! Woo Rock and Roll! So first, on Tuesday I was in the Logan Square fountain reading and then crossing the street, Snoop Dogg's tour bus pulled up! I didn't see Snoop dogg, but I did see a chase, a guy get hit by a car, a fist fight, and Snoop Dogg's crew in 10 minutes. In case you were wondering Snoop Dog has a lot of trash bags on his tour bus. Then on Thursday, Steven and I were walking down the street and a tour bus pulled up in front of us and I got all excited because I thought it would be a Warped Tour band. Then the bus stopped traffic and was all "come here" so ran up to the driver and he handed me a card. It turned out to be some crappy guy Ivory Muzik. Bad sign when they can't even spell Music right. So Michael C., not a Warped Tour band. Then I was supposed to go to Warped Tour with Alex and Aileen on Friday but then it sold out at 10 am. Sad story but I got to sleep till noon, and go out to lunch so I still had a good day. That was a pretty lame post...But if you were reading it to get a Field day recap, You're lame! You should've been there. Yeah so I'm hostile, makes for a better bully attitude.