So Helen took me to all these cool places this weekend and then we celebrated my unrgoundedness. I'm repaying her by writing this blog which she's been bugging me about for the past couple days. I'll tell you stories rather than a wrap up.
Story #1: The Never-ending token
Friday, was the first night Helen, Steven and I attempted to go to Harry Potter. So we're driving along, cookies in our mouths, helmets on our heads, and glee in our heart. Wait that was just me. So I'm practicing my dance moves in the back, wait, not allowed to do that for a lack of music. So Helen's calling people and people are all no way man we're totally sold out. So the baby (Steven) starts crying, but we give him a cookie and he's okay. And then the baby wanted to go bat. Yea batting! I try to throw him off course by telling him Chonshahocken is in the other direction, but Helen gets us there.
We're out batting and everyone has two tokens, except Helen who "doesn't like batting." That's a lie, everyone likes batting. She was just practicing being fancy, even though she's too dirty for it. I don't mess around though, I know I like to bat even if I'm not very good at it. So I go to use my second token with a lighter bat. After batting for around 10 minutes on the same token, the ball-spitter-outter thingy stops. So I tell Helen to come bat because I'm tired (batting for 10 minutes wears out your arm). Then around 6 or 7 balls get stuck in tube before they comeout. So I decided I will stick my hand into the next hit the tube with a softball and then we'll get going again. Then the guy who works there comes out of nowhere on his skateboard and says he'll come fix it. So he fixes it and gives us two free tokens. We got a good twenty minutes of batting out of one token because I rule.
Hmm that took a lot out of me. I'll continue later. Coming next Story #2: DDR