Wednesday, March 17, 2004


Click to see the coolest product of all time. Imagine eating a fresh peep every time you want one!

I have been sick for going on two weeks now. I am not very happy about this, but now Jane knows.

Jane comes home today! By the time she reads this, she will already know that Mary has been stocking tasty treats in celebration of her return.

I closed on my condo yesterday, and thus, this week marks the kickoff of my campaign to put my Trading Spaces knowledge to good use. If only I had a professional carpenter I could show an incredibly simple sketch to, and they could produce what I want!

The schedule for this weekend is 2 full days worth of painting fun. Anyone who's interested in joining the all-star cast of Mary, Jane and Herbie, let me know, so I have enough brushes to go around. Also, any helpful painting tips? Or underappreciated color-picking expertise? Speak up. I am incompetent.

Speaking of incompetent people, I had to un-woot, as the person who agreed to take my apartment backed out. Thanks to Mary, I was able to re-clean, and find someone else who will take it. But one person, who had already been looking for apartments for several months (!?!) passed, even though she loved it. Why? "I have to sleep on it. This seems like a really big decision to make on the spot." My honey dear, you will always lose out on the best apartments, houses, used cars, ebay picks, etc. etc. etc. if you are unable to make a snap decision when you see something you really like and want.

I get 267 pieces of spam a day, on average.