Welcome back from Christmas break, faithful readers! Holidays are a delightful time for reliving traditions, spending time with family, and creating joyful memories. (Yes, I know that's just saying eating 3 different ways.) And so, let me recount for you the best part of Christmas 2003 eats: chocolate.
Now, I'm not one of those chocoholic, give-me-the-gooeyiest-triple-choco-delight-on-the-menu types, but the chocolate this (last) year was something to remember. The highlights:
1. Fudge. Kitten made it. She said it was easy. It did not taste easy. I have not forgotten that she said chocolate peanut butter fudge was on the way.
2. Truffles. First, someone who works with Steven brought some truffles she made to a party. I had forgotten sometimes truffles just look like a blobby mess. But mmm boy were they good! And then, not a week later, a gift from a neighbor. These came from Trader Joe's, for any readers out there overcome by tales of chocolate unavailable to them. Recommended over the 10-pound block Meng picked up the last time he was there.
3. The Real Thing. Courtesy of Sid and the Maison du Chocolat, the very finest in chocolates, and don't they taste wonderful. (Yes, I love dark chocolate. Milkies can find something more to their liking anywhere else on earth, so keep your hands off this box.) One drawback: not nearly as funny as the persian cotton candy he brought for Thanksgiving.
Up next: notes from the front line of the campaign! That's right, the Dialogue Project has sent a political correspondent into the field.