Tuesday October 7th: the day the (microwave) music died. In lieu of flowers, Mr. Sharp has requested gifts of Hope's cookies be sent to his family. RIP Carousel Sharp.
Best Part of the California Recall: Almost 10 million Californians got out there and voted today. That's almost 65% of the registered voters in the state! (Gosh, it sounds kind of pathetic when I put it that way.) But, further proof that if you make a media circus out of elections, turnout goes through the roof. Floridian military absentee voters, you're no longer alone!
From http://www.philly.com/mld/philly/entertainment/columnists/michael_klein/6932993.htm:
Ed Rendell, booed in Philadelphia? His Governorship was a guest on Fox News Channel's Hannity & Colmes, taped at the Forrest Theatre on Thursday night. After cohost Sean Hannity launched a diatribe about former President Bill Clinton and the Monica Lewinsky affair, Rendell shot back: "What about lying to the American people about going to war in Iraq and sending our boys in harm's way?" Boooo! screamed the crowd.