Tuesday, May 25, 2004
Hey kids. I know you read, don't lie. You're secretly stalking us. But comment, come on! Comments fuel our amazing posts. Helen and I are a giant, gas-guzzling, air polluting, ozone destroying 4x4's. We need comments! Seriously though writing a blog and having no feedback is da pits. So hop to it.
Snack Heaven
Today, 4 big boxes arrived at the office. What was in them? No, not more computer gear. Snacks!
We have everything. Cookies, candy, chips are the core, the basics. And then we have granola bars, bagel chips, nuts and dried apples for some "healthy" variety. And then everyone's favorites -- munchie mix. mini brussels. Actually, the entire mini pepperidge farm line (except that gross excuse for a cookie, the milano.)
So, come on by if you're in the city, looking for a snack.
Oh, yeah. I almost forgot. You're jealous.
We have everything. Cookies, candy, chips are the core, the basics. And then we have granola bars, bagel chips, nuts and dried apples for some "healthy" variety. And then everyone's favorites -- munchie mix. mini brussels. Actually, the entire mini pepperidge farm line (except that gross excuse for a cookie, the milano.)
So, come on by if you're in the city, looking for a snack.
Oh, yeah. I almost forgot. You're jealous.
Why do I suck at life?
I'm da worst! And I'm not pretending I'm Steven this time. I still don't have summer plans. I know, Is that possible? I've been thinking about my summer since April and I still have nada. I'm so worried about the summer that I'm looking for jobs, camps, and workshops instead studying for exams. I can't put it off any longer, summer's two weeks away. So far, I've emailed someone about a writing workshop on Monday nights. Wow that leaves me with...oh right nothing! I'm starting to get desperate and it's scaring me. I just contemplated working at Hope's. That's right making cookies and scooping ice cream all summer. I think exams are warping my brain. Not only that today I decided maybe I shouldn't let crew be my barrier. Maybe it's not exams, I bet Helen and Mary brainwashed me in my sleep. I should watch out my next post may be "Jane let's her star shine. I'm going to Walnut St. Theater Camp."
Saturday, May 22, 2004
Dave, we know it's you!
Caroline and Dave are all:
Caroline: "Hey you know what would be funny? If we didn't reveal your identity on my blog."
Dave: "Oh man! Brilliant. Woah! Best code name ever: Anonymous!"
Caroline: "We are just full of good ideas!"
Dave: "I hate your sisters. This is brilliant"
Reveal your identity or these dialogues will continue.
Caroline: "Hey you know what would be funny? If we didn't reveal your identity on my blog."
Dave: "Oh man! Brilliant. Woah! Best code name ever: Anonymous!"
Caroline: "We are just full of good ideas!"
Dave: "I hate your sisters. This is brilliant"
Reveal your identity or these dialogues will continue.
Friday, May 21, 2004
Why Dreamworks animation will never top Pixar.
1. Dreamworks still cannot figure out how to make the mouths of their characters move in time with the sound of their words. This has been a problem since Antz. Get on it!
2. They rely too much on topical humor. Is it just me, or don't you think animation should be timeless? I mean, you don't watch Sleeping Beauty and think, pah, what a dated movie. Dreamworks, in 10 years, no one will think your little Justin Timberlake joke is funny. Watch Pixar, and learn.
3. Animation is supposed to look different than real life! This is the biggest one. You are making a movie about ogres and a talking donkey. The donkey's fur is ... not ... supposed ... to ... look ... REAL!!! Especially since Dreamworks is still incapable of producing humans that look in any way human, trying to achieve photorealistic water effects, hair, etc. just looks out of place.
Also, what is the new Dreamworks movie? A Shark Tale. Yeah, it's about fish. Nobody likes a copycat. Go think of your own ideas.
2. They rely too much on topical humor. Is it just me, or don't you think animation should be timeless? I mean, you don't watch Sleeping Beauty and think, pah, what a dated movie. Dreamworks, in 10 years, no one will think your little Justin Timberlake joke is funny. Watch Pixar, and learn.
3. Animation is supposed to look different than real life! This is the biggest one. You are making a movie about ogres and a talking donkey. The donkey's fur is ... not ... supposed ... to ... look ... REAL!!! Especially since Dreamworks is still incapable of producing humans that look in any way human, trying to achieve photorealistic water effects, hair, etc. just looks out of place.
Also, what is the new Dreamworks movie? A Shark Tale. Yeah, it's about fish. Nobody likes a copycat. Go think of your own ideas.
Meng rules. You drool.
Are any of you known as an e-mail guru? I think not.
Congratulations, Meng. Your baby is all grown up.
Congratulations, Meng. Your baby is all grown up.
Thursday, May 20, 2004
Mary's Song (I'm Moving Out)
So two days Mary finally revealed to the parents that she no longer wants a laptop for her graduation but a lease on the car. No, really she told them she was...MOVING OUT! Actually past, she had already moved out when she told them. Not the point. Although Mary isn't living in the compound she still has the dork mobile. Suspicious? I think so. Now Sara wakes up at 7 every morning to my alarm clock and to drive Daddy to work. Fun fact: Sara wakes up earlier than me. heh. I mean wait I wasn't laughing at myself. Mary are you trying to hurt your sister? Making her wake up early every morning just so she can drive a car. Obviously yes. Christopher, Lorelai and I were wondering when you were going to come home and raise your daughter? I'm going to go lose my virginity at age 19! Go have another baby!
P.S. I've gotten complaints that the blog is boring. The blog is more for the family's amusement and your enjoyment so take it or leave it.
P.S. I've gotten complaints that the blog is boring. The blog is more for the family's amusement and your enjoyment so take it or leave it.
Blog Challenge: Something Funny
Jane has offered me the blog challenge, and I accept. Today's challenge: something funny.
Uh, oh, Jane! You forgot to specify funny, ha-ha. So, I will tell you something funny strange.
Dieter had never had funnel cake before today. He had not had fried dough. He had not had zeppolis. The closest thing he had ever had to funnel cake, in his own estimation, was a doughnut. A DOUGHNUT! Not right.
But he had one today. Good work, Dieter.
(The link is unrelated -- something I saw on blogdex that I liked.)
Uh, oh, Jane! You forgot to specify funny, ha-ha. So, I will tell you something funny strange.
Dieter had never had funnel cake before today. He had not had fried dough. He had not had zeppolis. The closest thing he had ever had to funnel cake, in his own estimation, was a doughnut. A DOUGHNUT! Not right.
But he had one today. Good work, Dieter.
(The link is unrelated -- something I saw on blogdex that I liked.)
Monday, May 17, 2004
The Pressures On
There's too much pressure having to appeal to all audiences. I can't handle it. Last night Helen told me about how she was going to post about me dancing with UT and UF pressuring me into giving away blog addresses, and we all know I'm the bully so I was all act tough Jane. So my grand plan was to think of an embarrassing story about Helen (booyea) but then I realized all the embarrassing things happen to me (no booyea). The best thing I could think of was the random man dancing with Helen, but that wasn't even that embarrassing. Then I realized anyone who used to read my old blog will expect this blog to be funny, and I think I'm becoming Helen. This is obviously my "unfunny" phase.
On to the exciting link! Approach with caution, once you see this website you won't stop swaying your head because then it kind of looks like the hidamari no tami are moving too. I want one that's happy and one that has closed eyes. Then I can be soothed and unstressed or happy whenever I like. Don't you want one too? Helen has one. I'm jealous.
On to the exciting link! Approach with caution, once you see this website you won't stop swaying your head because then it kind of looks like the hidamari no tami are moving too. I want one that's happy and one that has closed eyes. Then I can be soothed and unstressed or happy whenever I like. Don't you want one too? Helen has one. I'm jealous.
Sunday, May 16, 2004
I may be the chicken, but Jane is an egg!
The Scene: The famous Kansas City wedding.
The cousins are skulking around, trying to avoid the notice of any relative who might have been drinking too much. The experienced among us stick together; there is strength in numbers. But sometimes, the smallest members of the pack get separated, and it does not take long for the predators to begin circling. Such was the fate of Jane that night.
When we found her, she was incoherent. "I cracked!" Cracked? She had given up the address of her blog. And to the most intimidating person in the room, right? Someone had come up to her and said, point-blank, "what's the address of your blog, Jane?", right? No. She had volunteered it to our sweet, unassuming uncle. Why? The slightest bit of pressure, and she cracks like an egg!
It turns out, he had just asked her about her favorite subject in school, and two minutes later, she's blurting out the web address! (And she had to spell it, people. He wrote it down.) Some of you may be new readers, as Jane has just made her public debut. But you could have known about the blog WEEKS ago, had you simply steered the conversation towards web publishing, or perhaps even the Internet in general, at any point.
P.S. Big smooches to Mary for restocking my mochi supply.
The cousins are skulking around, trying to avoid the notice of any relative who might have been drinking too much. The experienced among us stick together; there is strength in numbers. But sometimes, the smallest members of the pack get separated, and it does not take long for the predators to begin circling. Such was the fate of Jane that night.
When we found her, she was incoherent. "I cracked!" Cracked? She had given up the address of her blog. And to the most intimidating person in the room, right? Someone had come up to her and said, point-blank, "what's the address of your blog, Jane?", right? No. She had volunteered it to our sweet, unassuming uncle. Why? The slightest bit of pressure, and she cracks like an egg!
It turns out, he had just asked her about her favorite subject in school, and two minutes later, she's blurting out the web address! (And she had to spell it, people. He wrote it down.) Some of you may be new readers, as Jane has just made her public debut. But you could have known about the blog WEEKS ago, had you simply steered the conversation towards web publishing, or perhaps even the Internet in general, at any point.
P.S. Big smooches to Mary for restocking my mochi supply.
Someone needs to get the pope a new hobby for his birthday.
Seriously, JP, sometimes you have to know when to say when. 482 saints?!?! Did you not have enough friends in this lifetime, so you're planning an eternal life as the President of the Junior Friends of Man Club? Also, 1,334 people beatified? Buddy, you're *this* close to beatifying a dog by accident at this point. Furthermore, I want to talk to the guys in charge of validating miracles, because I think the Vatican might be getting the US Patent Office rejects at this point. I thought it was supposed to be hard to become a saint. I thought the Vatican was supposed to rigorously examine, with a skeptical eye, all petitions to grant sainthood. Well, somebody get me an application, because someone's asleep at the wheel!
Saturday, May 15, 2004
So many novelties!
I discovered so many things today. First of all television without pity does recaps of My So-called Life. Amazing. Then I realized when I don't have crew I feel like I have all the time in the world but then I remember that awful thing, school. I saw the trailer for The Incredibles today (apple.com>QuickTime>trailers) It was Incredible. Watch it in full screen. You'll have a new appreciation for want. This new idea of not having a pool is killing me. With this scorching weather all I've wanted to do it swim but instead I lounge around the house in my bathing suit and stare at my empty pool. I'm kind of over the idea of getting it painted and would much rather have a pool that has chipping paint than no pool at all. Also I finally have a friend who can drive. It's the best thing to happen to my weekends. We spent most of the night just driving around. It wasn't very good for her gas but it was so fulfilling not having to worry about rides.
Should I tell my friends about the blog? It's questionable.
Should I tell my friends about the blog? It's questionable.
Wednesday, May 12, 2004
Movie Music
Mary and I agreed the other day that, had Baz Luhrmann done nothing else since, he would still be the greatest just for putting out the Romeo + Juliet soundtrack. Perhaps the greatest movie soundtrack of all time, it gets there without relying on the old genre gimmick. Not that I've got anything against a good 60s or 80s compilation album, but Baz doesn't need to collect a bunch of tunes that someone else made hits to have a great soundtrack album.
And now, it's time for a little audience participation. I got the Lost in Translation soundtrack a few months ago, but I just saw the movie last week. The Jesus and Mary Chain tune Just Like Honey really stuck with me after connecting it with the movie. Tell your own movie song connections in the comments!
And now, it's time for a little audience participation. I got the Lost in Translation soundtrack a few months ago, but I just saw the movie last week. The Jesus and Mary Chain tune Just Like Honey really stuck with me after connecting it with the movie. Tell your own movie song connections in the comments!
Wednesday, May 05, 2004
Social, economic and political effects... and all that good stuff you've been missing out on
So I know I'm da worst. I'm a neglecting blogger, but I'm much more busy than I ever was in New Orleans. Countdown: 2 more days until the AP history exam. 10 more days of crew. 2 more regattas, 4 more practices. 2 weeks until my media final is due. 15 days until my Spanish oral is due. So for the next two weeks I'll be a movie-making fiend, and then go a little crazy for exams, but give me a solid month and I'll be back to normal. Quality of life will be through the roof. So what has happened recently?
Allyson Schwartz won, and Mary is sadly still employed. Give me my sister back!
Flavia is taking over my world. The other day she was on the front of the magazine section. Only more incentive to write a book...Better than hers.
My school has decided to torture me and have two other girls and I represent the student body at a strategic planning meeting for four hours. The night before the AP exam. Die, twice.
Why can't I be Tina Fey? I saw Mean Girls, she saved the movie. I mean the actors were kind of annoying, but I guess they were supposed to be. She's just so funny, it's not fair.
I finally ordered my birthday cds. I got modest Mouse, new Found Glory, Sugarcult and Rock against Bush. I definitely regret not getting Franz Ferdinand.
Yeah so that's about it, you've probably stopped reading by now so I'll stop writing. P.S. - unlike Helen I update my links. Check it out.
Allyson Schwartz won, and Mary is sadly still employed. Give me my sister back!
Flavia is taking over my world. The other day she was on the front of the magazine section. Only more incentive to write a book...Better than hers.
My school has decided to torture me and have two other girls and I represent the student body at a strategic planning meeting for four hours. The night before the AP exam. Die, twice.
Why can't I be Tina Fey? I saw Mean Girls, she saved the movie. I mean the actors were kind of annoying, but I guess they were supposed to be. She's just so funny, it's not fair.
I finally ordered my birthday cds. I got modest Mouse, new Found Glory, Sugarcult and Rock against Bush. I definitely regret not getting Franz Ferdinand.
Yeah so that's about it, you've probably stopped reading by now so I'll stop writing. P.S. - unlike Helen I update my links. Check it out.
Monday, May 03, 2004
What's up, doc?
Or, I dedicate this blog entry to my sisters. What are they all up to?
Caroline: Finally moved out of West Philly! Her new apt is quite cute, and has a working fireplace.
Anne: Still working hard, but not working herself to death anymore. Also, she will be catering Mary's graduation party! (I hope.)
Mary: Has a job, and thus, is in a good mood. She also better decide pronto whether we're all going to Boston for graduation.
Sara: Is going to DAD VAILS, instead of whatever other silly race that she was going to go to that wasn't in Philly! This weekend, folks. Be there or be square. Also, the family's newest shutterbug, thanks to Mommy.
Jane: Taking the AP European History test on Friday. Promises she will blog again someday.
For those of you who couldn't make it to the party, we missed you, and pictures will be posted as soon as Meng shakes out his best-of collection from the 350 he took.
Caroline: Finally moved out of West Philly! Her new apt is quite cute, and has a working fireplace.
Anne: Still working hard, but not working herself to death anymore. Also, she will be catering Mary's graduation party! (I hope.)
Mary: Has a job, and thus, is in a good mood. She also better decide pronto whether we're all going to Boston for graduation.
Sara: Is going to DAD VAILS, instead of whatever other silly race that she was going to go to that wasn't in Philly! This weekend, folks. Be there or be square. Also, the family's newest shutterbug, thanks to Mommy.
Jane: Taking the AP European History test on Friday. Promises she will blog again someday.
For those of you who couldn't make it to the party, we missed you, and pictures will be posted as soon as Meng shakes out his best-of collection from the 350 he took.
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